We all live downwind

We all live downwind

Dear Friends and Supporters,

I want to share a video by a local community activist and well-known public television professional, Mary Dickson. Mary has long been an advocate for downwinders, families exposed to nuclear testing in the 1950s. Like my dad, she is a downwinder herself. Mary is also a writer and playwright. Her play, Exposed, chronicles the deceit by government officials as clouds of nuclear radiation moved across American cities and towns, poisoning countless communities.


In my own travels throughout CD2, the pain of nuclear testing many decades ago can be heard in the stories I hear and in local reminders, like this one in Bicknell, Utah (pop. 327).

Bicknell Utah Downwinders History

In several Wayne High School graduating classes, approximately one half of the students have suffered or died from cancer. In total, a much higher percentage than normal of Wayne County and Bicknell residents and former residents have died from downwinder-related cancers.


My own dad’s cancer and official designation as a downwinder by the Department of Justice is not the only reason why I promise to fight for families with zip codes downwind. One of the guiding principles I believe lost in our current government full of too many short-sighted and self-centered elected officials is a basic question that should be asked first and most often:

What is the right thing to do?

Choosing rights over wrongs was a powerful theme throughout the Democratic National Convention this week. Watching it, I was proud to be a Democrat. A party of now—and the future. Diverse. Dynamic. Forward-looking. Full of motivated people taking a stand to bring Americans together and finding common ground. Not a party of division or grievance or fear and hate.

As Democratic presidential nominee, Joe Biden, puts it so well: this election is about the soul of our country. Looking into the mirror can be hard, but it is essential. Our national reckoning begins with personal reckonings.

I know that each of us do not want November 3, Election Day, to arrive and think we did not do all we could to get our country, and world, to a much better place starting that day and in 2021.

Remembering and advocating for downwinders is a testament to getting something important right.

In addition to Mary’s powerful video, I hope you will listen to a short radio ad on the subject that we have on the air.


Thank you for your support. Our campaign is fortunate to have you behind us as we continue to fight for doing what is right this critical election year. Not what is easiest. Regaining and healing the soul and conscience of our country is worth the fight and investment.

Kael Weston