18 Mar Weston-Jolin Joint Campaign Statement
Weston-Jolin Joint Campaign Statement
March 18, 2020
Dear supporters,
We are writing this statement together to express our deep appreciation for your support to our campaigns for the Democratic nomination in Utah’s 2nd Congressional District. As we met voters throughout the district over the last several months, we heard your powerful stories that reinforced why this election year is so important. Utahns deserve better representation in Washington—particularly at a time of such serious concern about public health and the well-being of our families and neighbors.
We share the values of compassion, compromise, and getting results for the common good. It is from this shared set of principles that we have a special announcement to make.
Today, Ashley Jolin’s campaign for congress is suspended, and she endorses Kael Weston in his effort to secure the Democratic nomination for the seat. We encourage all of our supporters and volunteers to find ways to work together in the coming weeks to achieve this goal.
Residents throughout the 2nd District—from Bountiful to St. George, Kanab to Tooele, the Avenues to Richfield—deserve to be better represented. The values of country over party and being better neighbors will continue to guide Kael’s campaign and offer a clear contrast to the incumbent congressman.
Again, we appreciate your past and ongoing support. Your hard work has made this race competitive and, with your help, we believe it is winnable in November. Ashley will continue to seek ways to serve our community and Kael, like all of you, is looking forward to seeing her name on a ballot before too long.
We encourage you to follow the advice of medical professionals and knowledgeable government officials as we all do our part to stay healthy and meet these demanding times with courage and empathy.
Please reach out to us directly if you have questions or would like more information.
Again, thank you for your support.
Ashley & Kael