18 Aug What Republican candidates say
Kael Weston recently attended a public event for Republican candidates in Salt Lake County. He published an OpEd in the Salt Lake Tribune describing about the opinions he heard there, and why it is important for voters to dig into candidates’ motives for seeking public office.
“[I]t was comments from county clerk candidate Goud Maragani that I found most duplicitous. . . . Maragani said Salt Lake needs a clerk who will encourage people to be skeptical of election procedures, drop boxes were vulnerable to manipulation and mail-in ballots are ‘least safe’ and expensive to taxpayers because the county covers postage. Maragani also remarked, ‘Someone like me will have more of an impact on your life than a congressman.’ With these words, his hidden intent seemed clear. Maragani wants to politicize the clerk’s office – make it controversial — and, if elected, continue to attack mail-in voting, thereby making it more difficult, not less, for Utah voters to vote. De facto disenfranchisement.”
Particularly in that essential Salt Lake County Clerk race,
“Our democracy depends on wise votes for wise candidates who are worthy of our trust.”