15 Sep Sept 16, Policy Lunch with Kael Weston: Civil Rights
Kael Weston invites you to participate in a series of weekly lunchtime conversations with him about urgent policy issues, including social justice, that require serious leadership and personally impact the people who live and work in Utah’s 2nd congressional district.
Civil Rights
Wednesday, September 16, 12:30pm
Human rights, dignity, and equality are values that demand vigilance and are worth fighting for. This campaign believes that Black Lives matter, that the Fairness for All Act is anything but, and that immigration reform is long past due. We need to talk about the horrific atrocities happening at our border, about the police, and about Dreamers. Equality under the law is the goal, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, political affiliation, or religion.
Please join Kael Weston on September 16th at 12:30 pm (Mountain Time), for what promises to be a very interactive, deep, and hopeful conversation.
When you RSVP, you will receive login information and a method for submitting your questions prior to the virtual event.
The complete Policy Lunch schedule:
Wednesday, August 12 – Healthcare/COVID
Wednesday, August 19 – Education
Thursday, September 3 – Public Lands & Environment
Wednesday, September 9 – Foreign Affairs
Wednesday, September 16 – Civil Rights – THIS WEEK
Wednesday, September 23 – Jobs & the Economy
Tuesday, October 6 – Accountability & Ethics in Government
Each Policy Lunch is recorded and past sessions are available to view on our YouTube channel or on Facebook.